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Cascade WestDevelopment, Inc.

Cascade West is sometimes known for the large, the lavish, and the luxurious homes featured throughout the year in tours and parades  — but we’re more. We’re the full spectrum. Clients realize that as soon as they step through our doors. 

We’re where your home becomes

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Looking Ahead

Collins Crest - Now Taking Reservations!

Large lots in a great Camas, WA location

Cascade West is proud to offer this exclusive opportunity to build on large, flat 13,000+ sq. ft. lots in an amazing Camas neighborhood. 

Hear from OurHappy Homeowners

Clark County - The Perfect Place To Live

The Southwest corner of Washington State is a world unto it's own. All the modern amenities blended with historical landmarks and surrounded by some of nature's most awe-inspiring features in a temperate climate make for the perfect place to call "Home".
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Cascade West Development, Inc.

5687 S 6th Way, Ridgefield, WA

Oregon CCB# 205950. | WA LIC CASCAWD092NE

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